One-Day Wonder Pill: Japan Greenlights New Cure for Flu Virus


One-Day Wonder Pill: Japan Greenlights New Cure for Flu Virus

A Japanese pharmaceutical company has reportedly developed a new drug that can cure the flu in just one day and requires the patient to take only one dose.

A new antiviral medicine called Xofluza that can beat the flu virus in record time was recently approved by Japanese authorities, according to Fortune magazine.

Produced by a pharmaceutical company called Shionogi, apparently it only takes Xofluza twenty four hours to kill the virus during trials, though it takes longer for the flusymptoms to dissipate. Also, all it takes is one pill of this new drug to achieve the desired effect, the magazine points out.

Shionogi representatives claim that these spectacular results were achieved due to their medicine’s unique action mechanism that targets and inhibits an enzyme the flu needs in order to multiply, effectively halting the virus replication within the host’s body.

At this point, Xofluza has only been approved in Japan, and it remains unclear exactly when the drug may gain entrance to foreign markets.


One-Day Wonder Pill: Japan Greenlights New Cure for Flu Virus

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