UK, EU to Resume Technical Talks on Brexit on Monday – Department for Exiting EU


LONDON (Sputnik) – London and Brussels will resume talks on conditions of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on Monday, the UK Department for Exiting the European Union said Friday.

According to the department, on Monday the talks at coordinators’ level focusing on the implementation of the Brexit agreement’s provisions will be held in Brussels.

On Tuesday, the Belgian capital will host the talks at technical and coordinators’ level on the issue of border between Ireland and Northern Ireland after Brexit, the department added.

Next meetings are expected to start after February 26, the information released by the UK department said.

On February 6-8, yet another round of talks between the officials from both the United Kingdom and the European Union took place in Brussels. The negotiations, however, have not resulted in breakthrough.

Last March, UK Prime Minister Theresa May officially invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, launching the process of the country’s withdrawal from the EU. Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union started in June and are due to be completed by the end of March 2019.

The first phase of talks focused on the protection of the rights of EU citizens in the United Kingdom and UK citizens in the bloc, the UK-Irish border and London’s financial obligations to Brussels after Brexit. The second phase is focusing on the transition period in EU-UK relations after Brexit, and their future trade and security cooperation.

UK, EU to Resume Technical Talks on Brexit on Monday – Department for Exiting EU

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