Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Announces Government Reshuffle


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Announces Government Reshuffle

The new members of the Spanish government are expected to take office as early as next Monday to participate in the Council of Ministers held every Tuesday.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has announced a reshuffle of the government.

Pedro Sanchez appointed Jose Manuel Albares as the nation’s new foreign minister but retained Nadia Calvino as economy minister.
Isabel Rodriguez became the new government spokesperson and territories minister.

The reshuffle which involves the removal from office of several ministers from Sanchez’ Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, will not affect the five ministers from the Unidas Podemos left-wing alliance, including the Vice President and Minister of Labour, Yolanda Diaz.

This reshuffle is the first since the inauguration of the Sanchez government in January 2020, except for the replacement this year of two resigning ministers.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Announces Government Reshuffle

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