South Carolina Teen Charged for Threatening ‘Round 2 of Florida’


On February 14, in the school in Parkland, Florida, an ex-student opened fire with automatic weapons. As a result, 17 people were killed, five more are in critical condition. Suspected shooter — 19-year-old Nicholas Cruz — was detained and pleaded guilty.

A South Carolina high school student was charged after he posted a picture on Snapchat with caption that warned of a “round two of Florida.”

The police spokesman said that the Snapchat photo depicted a student in a mask with an assault rifle.

The office of the Sheriff of Broward County said on Twitter that police had investigated the source of the original post, and added that the authorities of South Carolina had arrested its author.

The suspect said that the message was planned to be a joke. According to the timing of the message, it came just hours after the school shooting in Parkland.

The shooting at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School took place on February 14. A former student, Nicholas Cruz, expelled from school for violating discipline, opened fire from an automatic rifle. As a result of shooting, 17 people were killed, 20 more were injured.

South Carolina Teen Charged for Threatening ‘Round 2 of Florida’

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