China Dismisses Accusations of Racism Over Blackface Skit as ‘Futile’


China Dismisses Accusations of Racism Over Blackface Skit as 'Futile'

Last week, China’s annual CCTV Lunar gala was embroiled in a racism scandal; a comedy sketch showing a Chinese woman portraying an African lady spurred much controversy on social media, prompting people to accuse Beijing of racism.

Commenting on the criticism drawn by the widely watched gag from the Lunar New Year television gala, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang insisted that China opposes any form of racism.

“Recently many media, especially Western media, have reported on and commented on this matter. I want to say that if there are people who want to seize on an incident to exaggerate matters, and sow discord in China’s relations with African countries, this is a doomed futile effort,” Geng said.

In the skit, which was reportedly aimed at celebrating China’s warming relations with Africa, the actress Lou Naiming appeared on stage after putting on blackface and a giant bottom to portray an elderly African woman, accompanied by an actor dressed up as a monkey.


China Dismisses Accusations of Racism Over Blackface Skit as ‘Futile’

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