Briefing Room Showdown: Fox News Reporter Spars With Psaki Over Network’s Access to Biden


Briefing Room Showdown: Fox News Reporter Spars With Psaki Over Network’s Access to Biden

Earlier, US President Joe Biden held his very first major news conference to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, migrant crisis, and much-needed comprehensive gun control measures, among other hot-button issues. However, the event saw Biden call on every media network except Fox News.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took Fox News reporter Peter Doocy to task on Friday after the correspondent confronted her over Biden’s failure to pick on him during the question period of the event.

The tense exchange initially began with Doocy noting that Biden often has with him a list of journalists to call on from the pool, and that Fox News is the “only member of the five network TV pool that has never been on the list in front of the president.”

Aside from Fox News, the network pool Doocy refers to includes ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.

​And with that, the gloves went out the window and the setting was set for several seconds’ worth of cringey, eyebrow-raising, back-and-forth remarks between the pair.

After being overtalked, Doocy eventually managed to get more than two words in, explaining that he has “only” been able to get a response from Biden when he has “shouted” out a question once the president goes down his list of reporters.

“The president has been very generous with his time with Fox. I’m just curious about this list that he’s given. [Fox News is] the only member of the five network pool never on it dating back to when he resumed in-person events in Wilmington during the campaign,” Doocy added.

Doocy was not the only individual not called on during the event, as reporters from The New York Times also failed to get a question answered by Biden.


Briefing Room Showdown: Fox News Reporter Spars With Psaki Over Network’s Access to Biden

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