Belgian and UK Police Conduct Massive Joint Op, Save Migrants From Slavery


The operation was aimed against a criminal group suspected of smuggling migrants to Milton Keynes, in the southern UK.

About 250 Belgian and British police officers conducted some 24 simultaneous raids in both countries to save the victims of modern slavery, the UK embassy in Belgium reported.

The joint operation was aimed against a criminal group suspected of smuggling migrants and drugs to Milton Keynes in the United Kingdom. As a result of the raids, the law enforcement services rescued at least 36 migrants, confiscated drugs and cash as the embassy specified.

“This organized criminal group mistakenly thought that a legitimate facade could mask their wicked activities of human trafficking and drug smuggling,” said the Brussels communication officer of the National Crime Agency, speaking about the cooperation with the Belgian Federal Police, as well as federal and local prosecutors.

The crime of “exploitation” is included under the category of modern slavery in British law.


Belgian and UK Police Conduct Massive Joint Op, Save Migrants From Slavery

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