New Skull for New Body: Neurosurgeon Says Head Transplant Will Become Possible by 2030


New Skull for New Body: Neurosurgeon Says Head Transplant Will Become Possible by 2030

The idea to attach a human head to a new body has haunted science fiction since Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – but it seems like this time, the idea is not pure fantasy anymore – just a matter of time and additional research.

Head transplants may become possible by 2030, according to Bruce Mathew, a former clinical lead for neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals.

In his Sunday Telegraph interview, the medic explained that during his work with writer Michael J. Lee on a science fiction novel, they touched on this idea.

New Skull for New Body: Neurosurgeon Says Head Transplant Will Become Possible by 2030

Surgeons use the robot da Vinci to aid a hernia operation

Mathew also noted that transplants onto robotic bodies would also possible in the future using his method.

At the moment, several scientists are trying to make head transplants a reality, focusing on methods that sever the spinal cord, which the British neurosurgeon, who has performed more than 10,000 operations, called “utterly ridiculous”.


New Skull for New Body: Neurosurgeon Says Head Transplant Will Become Possible by 2030

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