Trump hits ‘lingering stench’ in the FBI, DOJ


Trump hits 'lingering stench' in the FBI, DOJ

(MORE: At Las Vegas rally for Republican candidate, Trump says Kavanaugh ‘is going to be just fine’)

Trump hits 'lingering stench' in the FBI, DOJ

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump looks on at the crowd during a rally at JQH Arena in Springfield, Mo., Sept. 21, 2018.

The comments follow reporting confirmed by ABC News citing sources familiar with memos by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – which allege that Rosenstein told McCabe he could recruit members of the president’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office for being unfit. Rosenstein believed he would be able to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions and then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to sign on, according to the sources.

In a new statement Friday night, Rosenstein sought to push back against the reports.

“I never pursued or authorized recording the President and any suggestion that I have ever advocated for the removal of the President is absolutely false,” Rosenstein said.

(MORE: Trump heading to Missouri as Republicans eye key Senate seat)

The president made the remarks at an event on behalf of U.S. Senate candidate Josh Hawley, who is locked in a tight battle with Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in a state Trump won in the 2016 presidential election by 19 points.

“Missouri was never too close to call,” Trump joked as he began recounting his signature reflection of election night.

After trashing McCaskill for her recent announcement that she won’t support the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump tied the result of the midterms directly to his presidency.

“Get out in 2018, because you’re voting for me!” Trump said.

Speaking of Kavanaugh, Trump didn’t directly make reference to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford who has accused Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her while the two were in high school. Trump instead expressed confidence that Kavanaugh would be confirmed.

“You talk about central casting, he was born for the U.S. Supreme Court. And it’s gonna happen,” Trump said. “We have to fight for him, not worry about the other side, and by the way, women are for that more than anybody would understand.”

(MORE: Trump tariffs put Missouri Senate candidate Hawley in a bind)

The president hit on a myriad of other topics in his campaign speech, including immigration, the economy, and the militant leftist group ‘Antifa.’

“You have guys that look like they live with mom and dad in the basement,” Trump said of Antifa. “I would never suggest this, but I will tell you, oy, they’re so lucky that we’re peaceful.”

Trump also trashed the “Democrat party,” saying he chooses the name over “Democratic Party” because “why should I make it sound so sweet?”

“They aren’t just extremist,” Trump said. “They are dangerous, and frankly, crazy.”


Trump hits ‘lingering stench’ in the FBI, DOJ

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