Trump credits congressman for supporting tax bill that he voted against


Trump credits congressman for supporting tax bill that he voted against

“I wanted nothing more than to vote for a tax plan that would put more money in the pockets of overburdened taxpayers and spur job creation,” Donovan said. “However, the bill that came out of the conference committee still means a tax increase for many Staten Island and Brooklyn residents. My priority always has and will continue to be the people of Staten Island and Brooklyn who sent me to Congress to represent them. Their interests come before Washington, always,” Donovan said.

Donovan is the incumbent in New York’s 11th Congressional District and is in a reelection fight with former Republican congressman Michael Grimm.

Grimm is trying to take back the seat after resigning in 2015 to serve time in prison for tax evasion.

Grimm said in a tweet on Wednesday that Trump’s endorsement “can’t change the facts” because Donovan has voted against Trump “every time it’s mattered.”

In a second tweet, Trump says that Donovan will win the congressional seat in November and “his opponent will not.” The GOP primary for the 11th district is June 26.

Donovan has yet to respond to Trump’s endorsement.


Trump credits congressman for supporting tax bill that he voted against

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