No one answering ‘hard questions’ on how many immigrants to let in: Former Trump aide

>No one answering ‘hard questions’ on how many immigrants to let in: Former Trump aide

“Should we let in 100,000? 500,000? No one wants to answer that hard question,” Bossert said.


>No one answering ‘hard questions’ on how many immigrants to let in: Former Trump aide

David J. Phillip/AP. FILEImmigrants are helped by a volunteer at the bus station after they were processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, June 22, 2018, in McAllen, Texas.


Bossert was referring to congressional Democrats’ contention that they support comprehensive immigration reform although Congress cannot agree on such a bill.

“They’re up there [on Capitol Hill] fighting over e-verify [a program for businesses to confirm employees’ eligibility to work] and fighting over how many agricultural workers we need to allow in,” but not addressing the broader questions, Bossert said.

The former White House adviser suggested that liberals “want to have compassion, but the compassion and the shortsighted decisions have long-term negative consequences” on immigration.

Bossert also said the U.S. needs to invest in countries such as Guatemala that are racked by violence to help stem the flow of refugees and migrants.

That means putting “real, sustainable, buildable money into the institutional reforms in those three northern-triangle countries — Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras — that they need to prevent this plague from coming into America.”


No one answering ‘hard questions’ on how many immigrants to let in: Former Trump aide

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