Colbert on Melania: ‘This is one message she did not steal from Michelle Obama’


Colbert on Melania: 'This is one message she did not steal from Michelle Obama'

“Guess what?” he added. “I spoke too soon.”

Colbert told his audience on Thursday: “Before we show you this photo, please know … it’s real. We checked it so many times because we thought … this has to be fake. But today, on her way to show that she cares, Melania wore a jacket that says, ‘I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?'”

The president tweeted that the jacket was a commentary on the “Fake News Media.”

(MORE: First lady wears jacket to visit immigrant children that reads ‘I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?’)

(MORE: Melania Trump makes surprise visit to Texas to visit migrant children separated by president’s policy)

A spokesperson for the first lady said, “It’s just a jacket. … There was no hidden message.”

“Right,” Colbert said. “It’s definitely not hidden. It’s right on the back. And i’m going to guess this is one message she did not steal from Michelle Obama.”

Colbert wondered aloud how many White House staffers should get fired for letting her wear the jacket in the first place “because in the middle of the worst moral scandal in recent memory, so bad that her husband backed down for the first time in memory, people who were supposedly on her side let her get on a plane with a jacket that said, ‘I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?'”

“For the record?” Colbert concluded. “We do.”


Colbert on Melania: ‘This is one message she did not steal from Michelle Obama’

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