With Biden Praise for Kamala Harris, Twitterati Bet the Two to Run For a Ticket


With Biden Praise for Kamala Harris, Twitterati Bet the Two to Run For a Ticket

Joe Biden is now the presumptive Democratic nominee in the upcoming US presidential election, as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders ended his campaign earlier in the day.

Democratic candidate for the US presidency Joe Biden praised Kamala Harris for her support and “partnership” during a live virtual fundraiser. Harris was a special guest at the event.

Harris previolusly dropped out of the presidential race in December 2019. In a cameo in Biden’s virtual event, she appeared on video from Washington, slamming Trump as a “complete failure” and adding that Biden would be the right president at a time when people “need to have hope […] need to have faith”. Earlier on Wednesday, she said she was “honored to even be considered, if that’s the case” when asked about the possibility of being Biden’s VP.

Biden said that he is “so lucky” to have Harris “on this partnership going forward”. Among his remarks, one in particular stuck with Twitter users.

Netizens were prompt to share their ideas and projections regarding possible Biden-Harris ticket.

Biden committed to choosing a woman as his running mate earlier in debates with Bernie Sanders, saying that “there are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow”. There were hints at several candidates among his ex-rivals from the primaries.

One of the other candidates is Stacey Abrams, a political leader and “Fair Fight” founder, who earlier expressed a readiness to be Biden’s running mate.

​Some interpreted former US President Barack Obama’s tweet regarding Elizabeth Warren as a possible hint for Biden to choose the Massachusetts Senator as a running mate.

​The US presidential election is set to take place November 2020, with Biden, as the last Democratic candidate standing, to go up against incumbent US President Donald Trump.

Sourse: sputniknews.com

With Biden Praise for Kamala Harris, Twitterati Bet the Two to Run For a Ticket

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