Trump Signs Proclamation to Reimpose 10% Tariff on Canadian Aluminum


Trump Signs Proclamation to Reimpose 10% Tariff on Canadian Aluminum

Arguing that Canada has been “taking advantage” of the American aluminum business, US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that his administration will reimpose a tariff on aluminum imports from the US’ northern trade partner.

“Canada was taking advantage of us, as usual. Aluminum business was being decimated by Canada, very unfair to our jobs,” Trump remarked while speaking to employees of the Whirlpool Corporation Manufacturing Plant in Clyde, Ohio. 

A proclamation on the move was released by the White House within an hour of Trump’s announcement, confirming reports that the 10% tariff would be placed upon aluminum articles. 

The US president told attendees of his August 6 address that he will “always put American workers first.” While the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement has only been in effect for a little over a month, Trump noted that the reimposition of tariffs is “absolutely necessary.” 

While Trump touts the move as a necessary step in favor of American workers, the US Chamber of Commerce detailed that it will actually have a negative financial impact on US manufacturers.

“These tariffs will raise costs for American manufacturers, are opposed by most US aluminum producers, and will draw retaliation against US exports.”

“Let’s take a little time to see how this settles out and make sure that this trade is following the normal patterns that one would expect in a time like this,” Hillman said in a July 15 telephone interview, as reported by Bloomberg. “If tariffs are imposed we’ll have very few options other than to respond with duties on US imports.”

She went on to assert that “the very last thing the US manufacturing sector needs as it’s seeking to recover from this economic downturn is additional taxes on manufacturing imports.” 


Trump Signs Proclamation to Reimpose 10% Tariff on Canadian Aluminum

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