Trump Reportedly Summons Michigan GOP Leaders In Legal Campaign to Block Vote Certification


Trump Reportedly Summons Michigan GOP Leaders In Legal Campaign to Block Vote Certification

Ahead of looming deadlines, US President Donald Trump’s legal team has intensified efforts to prevent six key battleground states from certifying election results, alleging “systematic voter fraud” and accusing the Democrats of carrying out a “centralised” campaign aimed at “stealing” the election from the POTUS.

President Donald Trump, who refuses to concede victory in the 2020 elections, which a majority of US media have called for his Democrat opponent Joe Biden, is to meet with Republican leaders from Michigan at the White House on Friday, reported The Associated Press.

According to sources cited by the outlet, as part of the current incumbent’s post-election campaign strategy to contest the purported outcome of the ballot-casting on 3 November, an effort will be made to persuade Republican-controlled legislatures in key swing states ostensibly won by Biden, such as Michigan, to contest the results.

Trump Reportedly Summons Michigan GOP Leaders In Legal Campaign to Block Vote Certification

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden reacts to a journalist’s question while exiting The Queen theatre following a virtual meeting with frontline healthcare workers in Wilmington, Delaware U.S. November 18, 2020.

The state’s Republican legislative leaders, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield, have reportedly been invited by Trump to the White House, according to a Michigan-based source, to listen to what the President has to say.

Neither Shirkey nor Chatfield have commented on the report.

‘Embarrassment to the State’

The report triggered criticism from Democrat members of Michigan’s congressional delegation and Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who said at a news conference in Lansing:

The Michigan Governor was further cited by MSNBC as saying:

Previously both Shirkey and Chatfield indicated that they would not try to overturn Joe Biden’s projected win.

Chatfield tweeted on 6 November that “whoever gets the most votes will win Michigan”.

Battle for Every Vote

Ahead of state deadlines to certify results by the 8 December federal cut-off date, after which chosen electors meet on 14 December to formally cast votes, a majority of US media outlets has already projected Joe Biden as the winner.

Overall, Biden won 79.6 million votes (51 percent) to Trump’s 73.6 million (47 percent), as of Thursday evening, with the Democrat candidate projected to capture 306 electoral college votes, well above the 270 minimum threshold.

Nothing daunted, Trump’s campaign has intensified legal efforts to prevent six key battleground states from certifying the outcome of the ballot-casting on 3 November. It has also been seeking a Justice Department probe into Dominion Voting Systems, which the Trump team claims deleted and reversed votes in Biden’s favour.

As President-elect Biden, a Democrat, won the election and is preparing to take office on 20 January, but Trump, a Republican, has refused to concede and is searching for a way to invalidate the results, claiming widespread voter fraud.

Georgia, one of the key battleground states where Trump demanded a recount, was called in Biden’s favour by the Associated Press earlier this day giving the Democrat candidate a total of 306 votes in the electoral college.

One of the states the Trump team had focused on was Michigan. However, on Thursday, the campaign said it had dropped a court challenge in the state, with attorney Rudy Giuliani saying:

This came as Michigan secretary of state Jocelyn Benson said all 83 counties had voted to certify the results of the 3 November election, with the Board of State Canvassers set to meet on 23 November to issue final certification. Biden won the state by approximately 155,000 votes (2.8 percent).



Trump Reportedly Summons Michigan GOP Leaders In Legal Campaign to Block Vote Certification

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