Trump Legal Team Concludes Impeachment Trial Opening Arguments


Trump Legal Team Concludes Impeachment Trial Opening Arguments

US President Donald Trump’s defense team on Tuesday concluded its opening arguments in the US Senate impeachment trial.

Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow concluded his team’s defense presentation by arguing that US Democrats were simply attempting to remove the president from office over policy differences.

With the day’s session called to a close, trial proceedings are scheduled to begin once again on Wednesday and Thursday for the question and answer phase, which will last for a period of eight hours on both days. 

The US Senate took up the impeachment trial on January 21, weeks after the US House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Both articles were brought against Trump as a result of months of inquiry into a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelenskyy.


Trump Legal Team Concludes Impeachment Trial Opening Arguments

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