Russia Warns That Escalating Tensions Between Israel, Hamas Pose Risks to Regional Security


Russia Warns That Escalating Tensions Between Israel, Hamas Pose Risks to Regional Security

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The possible uncontrolled escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict would pose a significant danger given the fragile security system in the Middle East, and effort is currently being made to prevent new airstrikes, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

“Well, the Middle Eastern region is not located on some other continent … Obviously, the conflict poses a danger in the event of its uncontrolled growth and continuation, as many countries have quite difficult relations … And the regional security system is quite fragile in general,” Peskov told reporters.

Last week, special representatives of the Middle East Quartet of international mediators — Russia, the United States, the EU and UN — discussed holding a meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict settlement. 

Violent clashes broke out from May 7-10 between Palestinians and Israeli police, leading to the worst conflict in recent years. Riots began in two areas of East Jerusalem at once — near the Temple Mount and in the Sheikh Jarrah quarter, where several Arab families are being evicted by the Israeli court decision.

The situation on the border between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip has been deteriorating for the past week amid heavy rocket exchanges.


Russia Warns That Escalating Tensions Between Israel, Hamas Pose Risks to Regional Security

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