Russia to Create First 3D Map of the Moon


Russia to Create First 3D Map of the Moon

Russian scholars previously said that Russia would be launching a space vehicle to the Moon in October 2021 – for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russia plans to create the first topographic 3D map of the Moon and will determine a site where the country’s cosmonauts to land, head of the Russian Space Research Institute Anatoly Petrukovich announced on Sunday.

Russia to Create First 3D Map of the Moon

The launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket with a DM-03 booster and Russian Elektro-L No 3 weather satellite

According to him, the map will help research the geological structures of the Earth’s satellite and will provide navigation data for other space devices. The mission, which aims to send a landing module to the Moon, is scheduled for launch in 2024.


Russia to Create First 3D Map of the Moon

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