Results of Trial of Russia’s Sputnik V Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Encouraging’, Fauci Says


Results of Trial of Russia’s Sputnik V Coronavirus Vaccine 'Encouraging', Fauci Says

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The results of the Russian trial of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine are encouraging, US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday.

“We live in a global community, and it is encouraging to see that other countries are coming out with results from their own vaccine trial, such as the Russian trial that we heard about a day or two ago,” Fauci said during a press briefing.

Fauci emphasized the importance of getting control over the spread of the novel coronavirus globally given that such an achievement will play a critical role in preventing the virus from mutating drastically.

Sputnik V, developed by the Gamaleya Epidemiology and Microbiology Center and registered by the Russian Health Ministry on August 11, was the world’s first vaccine against the novel coronavirus. The vaccine shows 91.4 percent efficacy and is 100 percent effective against severe complications. The vaccine consists of two components that are applied to a person within an interval of 21 days.

The vaccine is based on the well-studied human adenovirus vector platform and has previously received regulatory approvals in Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Hungary, Mexico, Palestine, Paraguay, Russia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

The process of registering the Sputnik V vaccine in the European Union and the World Health Organization has already been initiated.


Results of Trial of Russia’s Sputnik V Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Encouraging’, Fauci Says

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