Pentagon Reportedly Considering Aircraft Carrier Force Reduction Under 2022 Budget Review


Pentagon Reportedly Considering Aircraft Carrier Force Reduction Under 2022 Budget Review

The Trump administration suggested to spend $722 billion on defense in a fiscal 2022 budget, and, according to USNI News, particularly proposed to take USS Harry S. Truman out of inventory rather than conducting a mid-life refit.

US Department of Defense is considering reduction of the aircraft carrier force as part of the 2022 fiscal budget review, according to a USNI News report.

The budget topline has not been officially announced, as it was suggested by Politico and Bloomberg that it will vary between $704 and $708 billion. The next fiscal year is to start on 1 October.

Pentagon Reportedly Considering Aircraft Carrier Force Reduction Under 2022 Budget Review

The aircraft carrier group of the United States Navy led by USS Harry S. Truman, front, and a ship escort are seen leaving the port of Norfolk heading for the Middle East

According to the report, the suggestion made by the Trump administration to take USS Harry S. Truman out of inventory is also under consideration, along with the entire scope of the shipbuilding budget being under scrutiny.

Trump Cabinet suggested retiring USS Harry S. Truman back in 2019, but then backtracked on the proposal, with then-Vice President Mike Pence saying that the vessel “is going to be giving ‘em hell for many more years to come.”


Pentagon Reportedly Considering Aircraft Carrier Force Reduction Under 2022 Budget Review

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