Netizens Stirred After Joe Biden Suggests Mickey Mouse Could Win Over Donald Trump


Netizens Stirred After Joe Biden Suggests Mickey Mouse Could Win Over Donald Trump

Former US Vice President Joe Biden, 77, appeared Tuesday on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ to discuss with show co-hosts the latest developments in the presidential race, as New Hampshire voters went to polling stations to cast ballots in the first primaries.

Democratic presidential hopeful Biden, who has been lagging in polls a week after the successful Iowa Caucus win for Senator Bernie Sanders, told MSNBC that Senator Sanders – who has been leading the field in New Hampshire – is a “decent guy”, who has “labeled himself a democratic socialist”. That label, according to Biden, will not help in certain states.

The peculiar proposal did not receive supportive feedback among sympathizers in either party. Netizens instantly took to social media, exercising their mocking skills.


Biden, along with Senator Elizabeth Warren, has been lagging in polls in New Hampshire, with around 11 percent of the vote for each.

The Republican Party is also holding a primary in New Hampshire although the incumbent president is widely expected to win by a large margin. An Economist/YouGov poll released last week saw Trump with 88 percent of the GOP vote in the race to become the party’s nominee.


Netizens Stirred After Joe Biden Suggests Mickey Mouse Could Win Over Donald Trump

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