Macron: Europe ‘Will Not Compromise’ With Washington on Iran Sanctions


Macron: Europe 'Will Not Compromise' With Washington on Iran Sanctions

French President Emmanuel Macron called for a “modern new consensus” on tackling global challenges in his speech to the 75th UN General Assembly on 22 September.

Europe will not compromise with the United States on Iran sanctions, French President Emmanuel Macron told the UN General Assembly by video.

He continued on by saying that US maximum pressure on Iran is not working.

On 21 September, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order greenlighting severe economic penalties against foreign nations, corporations, and individuals that violate the UN arms embargo on Tehran. The Trump administration also announced on the same day new sanctions and export control measures on 27 entities and individuals connected to “Iran’s proliferation networks”, among them nuclear scientists and a logistical branch of the Iranian military.

Washington said that it would enforce the reinstatement of international anti-Iranian sanctions, despite no backing for this at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on 19 September that the US would continue its “maximum pressure campaign” against Iran until a comprehensive agreement is reached.

US-China Power Struggle 

Macron also mentioned that world leaders cannot let themselves be governed by the power struggle between the United States and China.

The statement comes amid increasing tensions between the United States and China on several fronts. Relations between the two have seriously deteriorated over the past several years, with Washington accusing Beijing of unfair trade practices, an untransparent response to the novel coronavirus outbreak, human rights violations, and unwarranted territorial disputes with neighbouring countries.

China has denied the accusations and criticised the United States for various violations of international law.

On the Use of Chemical Weapons

The French president also demanded an explanation from Russia about the alleged poisoning of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, saying that France will not accept the use of chemical weapons in Europe, in Russia, or in Syria.

Prior to this, France and Sweden tested samples from Navalny independently of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and reportedly confirmed “poisoning with a nerve agent of the Novichok group”.

The German government also said that doctors found traces of a nerve agent from the Novichok group in Navalny’s system. Moscow responded by pointing out to the lack of evidence in Berlin’s claims and noting that the Russian doctors had found no toxic substances in the politician. The OPCW is currently investigating the incident surrounding Navalny’s illness.

This year, the annual high-level UN General Assembly session is being held online because of restrictive measures imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

World leaders submitted pre-recorded messages that are being presented by their countries’ delegates who are in New York.


Macron: Europe ‘Will Not Compromise’ With Washington on Iran Sanctions

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