Jared Kushner is Beefing Up Support for Ivanka Senate Run in 2022, Report Says


Jared Kushner is Beefing Up Support for Ivanka Senate Run in 2022, Report Says

The news comes as rumours say the former first daughter, who served as a senior adviser to the president in the previous administration, is poised to continue her career in politics. Previous reports indicated that Ivanka may run for president in 2024.

Jared Kushner is beefing up support for Ivanka’s run for the Senate in Florida in 2022, Politico says citing Republican operatives and people close to the Trump family. According to one source, Kushner, who served as an adviser to ex-President Donald Trump is promoting and protecting his wife’s political career. Another told Politico that Kushner had already made calls about Ivanka’s potential rival.

Rubio, who will run for re-election to the upper house of the US Congress next year, warned Ivanka Trump of a tough fight although he did not dismiss Trump’s chances of beating him.

At the same time, Rubio lauded the former first daughter, saying the two had “worked very well together” on different issues over the past four years. The senator even suggested that Donald Trump’s tenure was the most fruitful period for Florida in modern history.

Ivanka Not the Only One Eyeing Political Office

Politico wrote that at least three Trump family members are considering running for office or “being urged to do so”. According to sources, Lara Trump, the wife of Donald Trump’s second son Eric, is actively considering a run for the Senate from North Carolina in 2022.

“It’s real and she is legitimately interested in it”, one Trump family political adviser told Politico.

Another member of the Trump family that wants to pursue a career in politics is Donald Trump Jr. However, there has been no information when or what office the 43-year-old would be interested in.

The most buzz about a candidate is Ivanka Trump. Reports previously said that if Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, Ivanka might “get even” four years later. According to a poll conducted by Axios and Survey Monkey at the beginning of January, she ranked third among candidates Republican voters wish to see in the 2024 presidential race (the first two are former Vice President Mike Pence and Donald Trump Jr respectively).

Sourse: sputniknews.com

Jared Kushner is Beefing Up Support for Ivanka Senate Run in 2022, Report Says

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