Donald Trump Claims God is ‘Testing’ Him, Explains How – Video


Donald Trump Claims God is 'Testing' Him, Explains How – Video

Speaking about the ongoing efforts to deal with the blow dealt to the US economy by the coronavirus crisis, Trump joked about a divine punishment for his hubris.

US President Donald Trump has recently brought the divine into the equation as he broached the subject of rebuilding the US economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.

During a recent campaign stop in Minnesota, Trump lamented how, even though they “built the greatest economy in the history of the world”, he now has to do it again.

​As Trump’s joke elicited laughs from some members of the audience, the POTUS declared that he’s up for that challenge, claiming that he did it once and that he’s “doing it again” now.

The president’s words evoked a somewhat mixed reaction online, as while some seemed to appreciate them, there seemed to be no shortage of people criticizing Trump either.

With the United States retaining its status as the country with the highest number of COVID-19 infected in the world, the US economy shrank by 5 percent in the first three months of 2020 and by nearly 33 percent in the second quarter as most of the country’s states went into lockdown in a bid to curb the spread of the virus, resulting in probably the worst recession in US history.


Donald Trump Claims God is ‘Testing’ Him, Explains How – Video

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