Celebrities Behind Alleged Nasty Notes Left for Trump After Obama Departure, Dave Chappelle Claims


Celebrities Behind Alleged Nasty Notes Left for Trump After Obama Departure, Dave Chappelle Claims

Earlier in 2019, an ex-presidential press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, claimed that the Obama administration left behind taunting notes in the White House after it handed the office over to Donald Trump. Members of Obama’s team slammed the allegations as a “bald faced lie”.

Comedian Dave Chappelle hinted that he knows who is behind a bunch of mocking notes that were allegedly left for the incoming Trump administration after the team of his predecessor, Barack Obama, left office.

According to Chappelle, the notes were left in White House drawers and cabinets after a star-studded event that the Obama administration held before departing in January 2017.

The story about mysterious taunting notes saying “You will fail” and “You aren’t going to make it” awaiting the Trump administration after its predecessors emerged in 2019, when former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham claimed that the departing team left behind nasty messages.

Cited by the New York Post, other sources said at the time that “there were mean notes left in odd places […] all about how we were doomed to failure”.

The claims caused an uproar among Obama aides, with the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, slamming the allegations as a “bald faced lie”. Obama’s speechwriter, Cody Keenan, tweeted that he personally left a phone charger at the White House, but “nobody left unimaginative notes written at a sixth-grade level”. Another speechwriter for Obama, Jon Favreau, also refuted the claims.

After the backlash from the Obama team, Grisham clarified that she was talking exclusively about “our experience in the lower press office”.

Sourse: sputniknews.com

Celebrities Behind Alleged Nasty Notes Left for Trump After Obama Departure, Dave Chappelle Claims

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