Possible Burial Place of Biblical Joseph Reportedly Found in Egypt


Possible Burial Place of Biblical Joseph Reportedly Found in Egypt

Describing the fragments of the statue found within the tomb, one Egyptologist argued that they allow the identification of the nationality of the person interred within, who “would have been a Cyril Palestinian” – either Joseph or “somebody who had a career remarkably similar to him”.

While the legendary biblical patriarch Joseph, whom the Book of Genesis describes becoming a vizier to the Pharaoh of Egypt, apparently “made the children of Israel swear that when they left the land of Egypt they would take his bones with them to the Promised Land”, and while there actually is a funerary monument known as Joseph’s Tomb located in the West Bank, it seems that his actual resting place may be located in a different place, the Daily Express reports.

Citing a 2019 documentary called “Patterns of Evidence”, the newspaper points at the discovery of a “grand palace” in the eastern Delta of the Nile, which was apparently built on top of a house that was common to the Northern Syria from which Joseph’s ancestors hailed.

Presenter Tim Mahoney also pointed out that one of the graves was actually a pyramid tomb, which suggests that the person interred within was granted “a King’s burial”.

This description led Dr Rohl to postulate that the tomb belonged to none other than Joseph, because it matches his story in the Bible.

His sentiment was also echoed by Egyptologist, Charles Aling, who suggested that the examining the fragments of the statue allow one to identify the nationality of the tomb’s owner.

Sourse: sputniknews.com

Possible Burial Place of Biblical Joseph Reportedly Found in Egypt

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