Poly Network Blockchain Platform Say Hackers Stole Record Sum of Money in Cryptocurrencies


Poly Network Blockchain Platform Say Hackers Stole Record Sum of Money in Cryptocurrencies

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Poly Network blockchain platform announced on Tuesday it was targeted by hackers who are said to have stolen a record amount of money in cryptocurrencies.

“We are sorry to announce that #PolyNetwork was attacked on @BinanceChain @ethereum and @0xPolygon. Assets had been transferred to hacker’s […] addresses,” the platform tweeted.

In a separate tweet later on Tuesday, it appealed to the attackers, saying the Poly Network team wants to establish communications with them and urge them to return all the hacked assets.

Poly Network added that it already located the cause of the vulnerability that the hackers took advantage of and would take legal actions to return the assets.

According to Forbes’ estimates, hackers extracted more than $600 million in cryptocurrencies, including bitcoins, ethereum and others.

Sourse: sputniknews.com

Poly Network Blockchain Platform Say Hackers Stole Record Sum of Money in Cryptocurrencies

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