Photos: Chinese Spacecraft Arrives at Launch Pad for Upcoming Mars Mission


Photos: Chinese Spacecraft Arrives at Launch Pad for Upcoming Mars Mission

China’s Long March-5 carrier rocket arrived at the launch pad at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in southern Hainan Province on Friday, in preparation for China’s Tianwen-1 Mars mission, which will begin between late July and early August.

According to state media outlet CGTN, engineers and technicians will conduct final checks and preparations on the rocket before China’s first Mars exploration mission. 

The journey to Mars will take six to seven months, which means that the rocket is expected to reach the red planet some time in February 2021. The orbiter will then spend two to three months above the planet, waiting for the optimal time to release an entry vehicle carrying the project’s rover.

“The Mars probe is the first step of China’s planetary exploration project. The coming launching mission has been highly recognized and supported by the international community. We hope to contribute Chinese wisdom, ideas and solutions to the world for peaceful use of the space,” Ge said.

According to NASA, the “rover will search for signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the ancient past and for signs of past microbial life itself.”

In addition to China and the US, the United Arab Emirates is also planning to take advantage of the period between July 30 and August 15, when Mars’ orbit comes closest to the Earth. The Emirati aircraft, named “Amal,” is scheduled to launch from Japan on Monday, AP reported, and marks the first interplanetary mission for Arab nations.


Photos: Chinese Spacecraft Arrives at Launch Pad for Upcoming Mars Mission

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