Huge Triangular UFO ‘Ejecting Red Orb’ Caught on Video Gliding Across Sky Above New York


Huge Triangular UFO ‘Ejecting Red Orb’ Caught on Video Gliding Across Sky Above New York

Reported UFO sightings are frequent in upstate New York, with a website that collects witness reports claiming there were 65 such sightings in the region last year, ranging from unusual light patterns and large triangular shapes to frightening creatures.

A YouTube user has uploaded a video of what he believes to be a fascinating UFO sighting, with a triangular object hovering in the sky above a town in upstate New York in the US.

Given its enormous altitude, the object was supposedly huge, as the person who recorded the video claims that they saw a red “orb” type object being dropped from the triangular craft just before they started filming.

It’s difficult to estimate whether the footage that was uploaded on 28 December to the “The Tales From Out There” YouTube account is genuine.

While posting numerous intriguing and genuinely puzzling video clips, the channel “Tales From Out There” is also reportedly occasionally taken in by hoaxes.

UFO experts might argue, by observing the footage, that it’s hard to interpret this strange object as a drone or a satellite.

Judging by witness accounts on social media and information offered by the website of the National UFO Reporting Center, the past year has apparently been noted for a remarkable increase in UFO sightings.

With videos of alleged sightings uploaded on the internet and comments rampant on social media, critics have been quick to put a damper on these speculations.

They emphasise the fact that as drones are currently quite commonplace, and there have been numerous satellite launches connected with SpaceX’s Starlink project, a commonplace explanation for most sightings can be easily found.

Nonetheless, the US Navy has been more open of late about what it describes as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”, as gun camera footage from Navy fighter planes showing highly advanced aircraft being operated by unknown pilots has been made available this year.

The craft shown in the clips perform amazing and apparently impossible – at our current level of technology –aerobatic feats, accelerating to incredible speeds and then coming to a sudden dead halt.

Witnesses to the USS Nimitz UFO incident – a radar-visual encounter of a UFO by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in November 2004, have also been more willing to open up and share their accounts of what they believe happened at the time.


Huge Triangular UFO ‘Ejecting Red Orb’ Caught on Video Gliding Across Sky Above New York

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