Advanced Science Against Cancer: Russian Scientists Pushing the Envelope


Advanced Science Against Cancer: Russian Scientists Pushing the Envelope

According to the WHO, every fifth man and every sixth woman develop cancer. Today, it’s becoming possible to treat even the most severe forms of this disease, liver cancer, stomach cancer, and brain cancer. Scientists at the National Nuclear Research University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) have spoken about their unique developments in this area.

According to NRNU MEPhI specialists, photodynamic therapy (PDT) is one of the most effective and safe cancer treatment methods. It’s widely used to combat malignant tumours of the skin, oropharynx, liver, lungs, brain, urinary bladder, and GIT organs.

PDT is based on using photosensitisers, substances that increase biological tissues’ photosensitivity. At the preparatory stage of therapy, the photosensitiser accumulates in the tumour tissue. By treating the accumulation foci with a laser, reactive oxygen intermediates appear in tumour cells, triggering their necrosis, apoptosis, or stopping the cell cycle and restarting it in a “healthy” mode.

Accuracy Comes First

One of the main problems of PTD cancer treatment is that it’s hard to accurately determine the tumour boundaries. Possible inaccuracy can result in the incomplete processing of cancer cells, leading to a relapse.

To solve this problem, NRNU MEPhI scientists have created a unique endoscopic video fluorescence system that allows photosensitiser accumulation foci to be visualised in hard-to-reach areas in head and neck cancer.

Advanced Science Against Cancer: Russian Scientists Pushing the Envelope

Cancer cell

The system is unique because it helps determine the boundaries of neoplasms, where the photosensitiser is accumulated, as well as quantify its concentrations in the tissues during an operation, the researchers said.

With this method, fluorescence is excited by using a red laser. According to NRNU MEPhI researchers, in the red spectrum, light absorption and scattering in biological tissues are minimal, which increases the depth of penetration and accuracy of analysis.

How to Save the Liver?

The liver is one of the most difficult organs to treat with PDT. As NRNU MEPhI scientists explained, it is through this organ that most photosensitisers are removed from the body and that in any case a patient’s liver contains a huge amount of these substances, which greatly complicates the correct identification of pathological cells.

Having analysed the spectral and fluorescent properties of a wild boar’s hepatobiliary system tissues, whose optical properties are close to those of humans, NRNU MEPhI specialists developed a new method to quantify the concentration of photosensitisers in bile duct tissues.

Taking Care of Your Stomach

Spectral and video fluorescence diagnostics in stomach cancer PDT is another area that NRNU MEPhI researchers are developing. As the scientists emphasised, the use of PDT in this area is especially promising due to the high complexity of the surgical intervention.

A spectroscopic study of gastric mucosa using a new method has made it possible to determine the tumour at a depth of 3-4 mm, which is twice that of analogues, NRNU MEPhI scientists said. The method’s key elements are a unique endoscopic video fluorescence system and a 5-ALA photosensitiser.

Advanced Science Against Cancer: Russian Scientists Pushing the Envelope

The discovery of this new protein could eliminate the need for cancer drugs and harsh chemo treatments.

Clinical studies of the new methods were carried out at the Levshin Institute of Cluster Oncology based at the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the First Moscow State Medical University. According to the scientists, the PDT and fluorescence diagnostics methods and equipment developed at NRNU MEPhI are already being actively implemented by many Russian hospitals.


Advanced Science Against Cancer: Russian Scientists Pushing the Envelope

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