After months of attacks for his old rap career, Antonio Delgado is headed to Congress


After months of attacks for his old rap career, Antonio Delgado is headed to Congress

Democrat Antonio Delgado is the winner in New York’s 19th Congressional District, defeating one-term Republican Rep. John Faso.

A Harvard Law grad and Rhodes scholar, Delgado campaigned heavily on expanding health care, noting that Faso voted to back the Republican health care plan that would have gutted protections for preexisting conditions. Faso countered that Delgado was too new to the district to represent it in Congress.


Live results: New York midterm elections

The black 41-year-old lawyer and first-time congressional candidate was repeatedly attacked during the campaign for his stint as a rapper named “AD the Voice” a decade ago. Faso and conservative groups like the National Republican Congressional Committee argued that Delgado’s old music made him unfit to represent the predominantly white district, pointing to lyrics from Delgado’s first and only album, Painfully Free, released in 2006.

As I wrote in September:

Delgado, for his part, told the New York Times in October that despite the attacks, he remained unapologetic for his old music. “I’m very committed to the themes that I was concerned about then, chief among them people on the margins,” he said. “So for me to apologize, I would in essence be apologizing for what I am doing today.”


After months of attacks for his old rap career, Antonio Delgado is headed to Congress

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